There are several benefits of using a legal staffing firm. When recruiting for legal staff, a recruitment firm can be a huge time saving device, eliminating the need to prepare advertisements, manage inquiries and review countless candidate resumés. Using a legal staffing firm is the best way to target the most desirable and appropriate candidates for a particular position. Often, these candidates are doing well in their current positions, are not actively seeking new positions, and must be specifically targeted for a particular position. Because these attorneys are not actively seeking employment, chances are, they are not routinely perusing job postings or submitting resumés directly.
Targeting and recruiting the most desirable candidates is where JD Hiring can be an invaluable asset to your hiring process. At JD Hiring, we know and understand the legal markets in which we search. Our professionals have practiced as lawyers at top firms. In addition to our knowledge of the legal community, we have an established network of legal contacts. As a legal staffing firm, we have many combined years of recruiting, consulting and law firm hiring experience. At JD Hiring, we take our job as a legal staffing firm very seriously and have established a rigorous evaluation process that is specifically tailored to suit your workplace requirements.